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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

ABCW & Mag: The Woman in Me

PC: Ed Ross
I write this post to a person whom I see & love everyday
The person who looks just like me. The person who is more than my best friend.
She is the face that my mirror shows me

You are the essence
You are strength
You are the child
You are the mother
You are the woman I see

You are a hot flame
You are chilled beer
You are sweet chocolate cake
You are spicy chili
You are the woman I see

You are unique
You are the power
You are the lover
You are the sister
You are the woman I see

You are the love
You are the hate
You are the anguish
You are peace
You are the woman I see

You are smile
You are tear
You are care
You are lull
You are the woman I see

You are style
You are pride
You are the kernel
You are charm
You are the woman I see

What I see now is a winner..What is see now is the best..What I see now is ME

This post is written for ABCW - W
This post is written for Magpie Tales - Mag 301


  1. Wow, how wonderful this is written !
    Very good choice and entry for this weeks challenging letter!
    Thank you for participating at such a loyal manor every week!

    Have a nice abc-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫

  2. Would that we all would have such a positive attitude about ourselves.
    I really like this.

  3. AMEN to that .. you are you :)

    enjoyed reading about you :)


  4. What a delightful ode to yourself. We all need to value ourselves.

  5. Seeing the strength of the 'weaker sex' in more ways than one. Go for it Dee Dee!


    1. Weaker sex in inverted commas, Interesting!
      Thanks for dropping by Kaykuala

  6. In essence, you are everything :). Touching personal spin.

  7. YES! If you cannot love yourself- who will?

  8. what a superb and confident take on the prompt! this one is very differnt


Hey, Your comments would encourage me to write more.
Thanks for dropping in this time.