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Friday, December 4, 2015

FF: I too need care

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot
For centuries it sat there. It has seen wars, births and cities growing around it

It has seen kids,  become beautiful men & women
It has seen murders & lovers

It has seen sun, storm chilly winters & rain

Abandoned & alone, with million stories in it
In darkness, lies enlightenment

For the one, who is willing to show it some care it deserves


  1. Just waiting for someone to open it up and discover its stories.
    I didn't get the storm child part...

    1. oops, a spelling error, thanks. I meant chilled winters
      Thanks for dropping by Dale ;-)

  2. i like this piece so much i'd like to make a simple change if you don't mind. instead of "it" why not use "i" since the title is "i too need care" anyway? i think it'll put more punch to the story.

    1. Ahh..well..a good thought
      I thought I would give it an edge.

      Thanks for dropping by :-)


Hey, Your comments would encourage me to write more.
Thanks for dropping in this time.